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I’ll be your guide as you shift your frequency to the next level and discover your sacred purpose as you align with your authentic self. 



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My Signature Offerings:

Three paths to explore:

Integrated Somatic Energy Reset

Resonance Reset™ a tailor-made energy session

1:1 Integrated Energy-Spiritual Coaching


"If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
                              Nikola Tesla

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These popular individual classes are a great way to reset your energy.

Full Moon & New Moon

These classes offers a mix of guided ceremony and sound healing & activation: manifesting for New moon and alchemy for Full moon. 


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Sacred Alchemy Workshops

These unique workshops are crafted to activate your inner alchemy.


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From weekly yoga classes to breathwork and sound... these classes will help you build self- awareness, relax and facilitate inner change.


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Nice to meet you!

Hi! I’m Robin, an Integrated Energy Mentor/Guide and spiritual teacher. I work with clients to bridge the gap between where they are and where you they are going so they can reset, realign and resonate the magic within. 



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